Meet the Board

Della Calfee
Artist Della Calfee uses photography to explore form, light, and color in combination with emotional or evocative content often using figures and landscapes.

Vice President
This position is open. If you are interested in learning more about the President position, please reach out to TEXWCA via our email.

Treasurer & Membership
Somewhere between back-woods Texas and Africa. Black conceptual narrative portrait painter.
Rona Lesser's works emphasize the color, light, and the beauty of nature, as well as a deep connection to Jewish spirituality. Rona has been an active Houston area artist since the mid 1980's, and she continues to show and teach citywide.

Social Media
La'Toya Smith
Art is my life and the way I connect. There was never a question of what I should be doing with my life. The question is always how do I take it to the next level every day.

Paola Nunez
Exhibition Chair - Tribute to Water
Oversees current exhibition planning and execution.